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🚀 Getting Started with Dream Machine

Welcome to Dream Machine, we put together this page to help you get started with Dream Machine and answer any questions that come up along the way. This is a living document as we continue to grow and learn. Please share any feedback and questions with us in our Discord channel! https://discord.com/invite/lumaai

How to Prompt

What is a Prompt?

A prompt is a set of instructions or a description you provide to an AI to help it generate content. Think of it like giving directions to a creative assistant: you tell the assistant what elements you want in a project and how you envision the final outcome.

Prompts are essential because they guide the AI in creating content that matches your vision. The clearer and more detailed your prompt, the better the AI can understand what you want and deliver a result that meets your expectations.

How to Prompt

  1. Be Specific: Clearly describe the main subject, setting, and any key elements you want in the video.
  2. Include Details: Mention any particular details that are important for the video.
  3. Focus on Emotions or Atmosphere: Describe the mood or atmosphere you want to convey.
  4. Use Simple Language: Avoid complex terms and jargon. Simple, straightforward language is most effective.

By following these steps, you can create effective prompts that help the AI generate high-quality videos that align with your vision.

What is ‘Enhance Prompt’?

If you are not entirely sure how to write a prompt, use the ‘enhance prompt’ feature to let the AI turn your simple concepts into detailed prompts.